chevron_rightHow can I get a copy of our HOA’s Bylaws and CC&Rs? These documents are readily available by contacting the Secretary of the HOA. They can be emailed as PDF’s, or hard copies can be made available to you. The documents can also be found through the tab labeled "HOA Documents."
chevron_rightHow much are the HOA Dues? The current annual fee is $80. It is paid yearly with a notice in May for payment within thirty days. In the past, the fees have been paid by check and mailed to the Treasurer at the HOA’s P.O. Box. With the website, there is now the option to pay the annual fee electronically online by pressing the tab labeled "Online Payments."
chevron_rightIs there a late fee if the HOA Dues are not paid within the 30 day period? Yes, if an assessment levied by the Association isn’t paid within thirty days, it is considered delinquent and a late charge of 25% is added to the original fee. Late fees can be waived depending on circumstances. This issue is addressed within the CC&Rs at section 11.6.
chevron_rightWhere can I find a copy of the HOA’s current budget? Our budget consists of two expense categories, the first being “operating expenses” that include landscaping, water billings and other costs to maintain the neighborhood. The budget also includes an expense category entitled “administrative expenses” that includes items like insurance costs, office costs and tax preparation costs.The budget can be found on this website under “HOA documents.”
Clatsop Butte Neighborhood FAQ's
chevron_rightWhat’s the elevation of our neighborhood? Our HOA is located high on the East side of Clatsop Butte. The highest elevation within our neighborhood (and Clatsop Butte) is 810 feet located at both the top of Crystal Ct. and nearby on Crystal Springs. The lowest elevation within our HOA is at the bottom of Tenino St. at 697’.Interestingly, the City established Clatsop Butte Park (elevation 604’) near 152nd and SE Foster Rd. Subsequently when you seek info on Clatsop Butte, you are often directed to that location. Yet, topography maps indicate the Butte’s lava dome is located at the top of Crystal Ct.If you are wondering about other elevations in the area: Mt. Scott, 1,083’; Scouter’s Mt, 951’; and Mt. Talbert, 735’.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA provide snow/ice removal services? Snow removal services have been considered, but have never been contracted. It can be an expensive service. A majority of our homeowners would have to feel it was worthwhile. Additionally, most services require notice of need prior to the event and it is usually difficult to predict in advance how much snow or ice our neighborhood will receive.
HOA Board FAQ's
chevron_rightAre Board Members elected or volunteers? The Clatsop Butte HOA Board of Directors consists of five homeowners who volunteer to serve for a two year term. They are nominated and voted on at the Annual General Meeting every October. If they choose to serve another two year term, they may be nominated and be confirmed through a vote at this meeting.
chevron_rightHow often are CBHOA Board Meetings? Board Meetings are scheduled as needed to attend to issues of the HOA and address potential problems such parking concerns, barking dogs, landscaping concerns and of course budget related issues. Typically these meetings occur every 6-8 weeks. These meetings and their agendas have been previously announced to the homeowners by email and postcards. They will now be posted to the website calendar, as scheduled with agendas and followed-up with the meeting minutes.
chevron_rightDoes the HOA include an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to review homeowner improvements? Our CC&Rs (Article 8) allow for establishing such a committee with the authority to review/approve applications for homeowner improvements. There may have been such a review process early in the neighborhood’s history; it’s not clear. We know there has not been an ACC in the past 25 years. Without such a committee, that role reverts back to the Board of Directors.Because there hasn’t been a review process for many years, it’s challenging to enforce regulations that haven’t been consistently enforced over the years. Your Board’s current policy regarding these improvements encourages homeowners to let their neighbors know in advance about upcoming improvements. Communication is always a good thing. In the event a homeowner has a complaint, the Board established fines for CC&R violations and enforcement procedures. Those procedures are triggered by a formal complaint to the Board by a homeowner.Any questions you have can be clarified by Board Members and your questions can be brought to a Board Meeting for further clarification when needed.